In the previous post I mentioned that C# pattern matching is far from complete. In particular, close coupling between matching and deconstruction is not present so far in C#. The maximum what can be achieved using deconstruction is extraction of values from complex types:

(var name, var color, _) = new Cat();

Underscore here represents a value to discard, similar to out variables. However, what I would really like to see from the pattern matching is the following:

if (x is Cat (var name, var color, _)) { }

to match x as Cat and deconstruct it to extract name and color. Or

if (x is Cat (var name, var color, 2)) { } 

to match x as two years old Cat, and extract the rest if it is true. Or may be

If (GetCat() is (_, var color, 3)) { }

to match and deconstruct the Cat object returned by GetCat()

All these constructs bring together pattern matching, tuples and deconstruction and allow to develop even more condensed code.

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