Update: Presentation slides are available on SlideShare.

Tomorrow, April 18 2012 I will speak at Toronto Architecture User Group about Acceptance Test Driven Development.

Abstract: While automated testing tools and unit testing frameworks have proven their effectiveness and are widely accepted by the agile teams practicing Test Driven Development, not many teams see a project’s test suite as the result of a joint effort between the developers, testers and domain experts. An Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) approach goes one step further and brings all the stakeholders together to create an executable specification – a set of the tests written in a natural language that is understandable by the user while still being executable and verifiable. The session provides an introduction to ATDD and demonstrates the practical aspects of creating end-to-end acceptance tests, including the human side of this process. During the presentation you will also be introduced to ATDD frameworks and will learn the best practices for creating reusable and maintainable acceptance tests.

Registration at ArchitectureUG.com

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